
your music, my life

If laughter's the best medicine, then idiots can be doctors

Whenever I watch T.V., I find that the funniest shows has at least ONE character who is a complete idiot. That might just be me, but I find those shows really funny. Could it be their crazy antics? Or do we just laugh at their sheer stupidity?

I guess it doesn't really matter because that stuff is funny right? Well... I'm not gonna tell people to stop watching these shows, cuz I for one find these shows very entertaining. But in a way, these characters are influencing the many viewers. People find these characters funny, and if a viewer wishes to be funny, maybe they would try to come up with some silly antics to get a laugh or two. Some people go to the point of copying the show/series "Jackass" (if you've heard of it) where they do completely stupid things and risk injuring themselves. Again, I'm not telling anyone to stop watching these things, I'm just trying to tell you guys that you should think about it. (yay, more english class!)

So yeah, thats about it. I'm going to include this youtube video from college humor (check them out!), I find it really funny! (you'll see why)

Big Dreamer?

Hopefully you guys don't find this stupid... but... I have a HUGE dream. Make it big, in a musical career. I'm probably not the only one with this dream... cause in fact, my fellow band mates share this same dream. And we all strive and struggle to improve and impress. I thought I'd post this... post for all the other dreamers out there. (This applies to other dreamers too! Dancers, Athletes, Writers, etc.) I'm gonna use the cliché "life is a road" simile!

Of course, it all starts off with the dream! It points the path that you wish to take! (In my case, making it on stage!)

Without the dream, there's no direction. Without direction you'll end up getting lost in the crowd.

As the road continues, many things are needed to be picked up.

You've got to know the basics and build up from there. You have to ADAPT to the changes in the road.

Not, everything goes as planned. You win some, you lose some. Sometimes you make a breakthrough, sometimes you just EPICALLY FAIL.

But hey, there's a bright side to your losses, you gain experience. You get to learn from your mistakes, fix up what you messed up. This way you improve.

Yes, the road WILL get bumpy, and you WILL have to have a few pit stops, but its gonna be worth it. If you really want something, you gotta give it your all. Ultimately, the strive and struggle will pay off. You might just get your big break! Or it might take a while. Big Dreamers take Big Chances.

That's all I have to say. If you'd like to leave a comment about YOUR dream you can! Or anything else that relates to this post! Good luck to all of you who dream big!

+A random Yellowcard song I like :D



But its not a happy story, its more of a story that really made me think, and by story, I mean personal experience. So... this is how it went...

Once upon a time (about a year ago), a boy by the name of Miguel (me) was on his way home from school. He lives rather far from the school so he must take several buses home. As he got on the bus, the driver gave him the transfer. Being completely ignorant and unaware of the date, he did not notice the error the driver had just made - he gave Miguel the transfer from the DAY BEFORE. When he got off the bus, he walked to his next bus stop and waited for the bus. Indeed, it did come, only for something completely unexpected to happen (not really). As walked he showed the transfer to the bus driver, and then something happened - an argument ensued. The bus driver asked Miguel about the transfer, then he explained how the bus he had previously taken issued that transfer to him. The bus driver replied with a sarcastic, yet rude: "I'm so sure". As the argument and explanation continued on (for about a few minutes), an old, honest looking lady come onto the bus. Little did Miguel know she was on the same bus he was on before. She happened to have the same transfer, and then the argument was suddenly over. The lady, as well as Miguel, was permitted onto the bus.

And he lived happily ever after? Not quite.
This event really opened my eyes to the society we live in, where teenagers just can't seem to be trusted. Who knows, maybe the Elderly Lady could've been "trying to pull something." But no, it was Me who had to be suspected, questioned, and put on the spot. It seems that teenagers have gained such a bad rep, that we are always thought to be IGNORANT, DECEIVING and WORTHLESS. That we all have no respect for adults, others, or even ourselves. That's why we always hear the phrase: "kids these days". Society puts a label on teenagers the same way it puts labels on races. In my opinion, I dislike this label placed on us by others. Society tries to group us into one category, but then again, we are also taught to be who we want to be.

Well, that was my story. Not exactly a "happy ending", but it does have a moral. I hope that you can learn from my experience, and possibly lead you to think about our society. Oh yeah, comment too... about anything that even slightly relates to this. HAPPY TUESDAY!

Thats just me

As you might have noticed, I am a music lover. I know how to play guitar, drums, bass, piano and sing!

Aside from the musical part of me... I have just recently took up skateboarding! I'm still learning, so I'm limited when it comes
to tricks! (I can only do 3 lol)

I enjoy going to wonderland too, even though the rides are slowly becoming boring. (rode them too many times!)

I guess I like video games too,
although I hardly even play them. But the best game by far is the one that affected my childhood the most. I'll give you a hint. Comment with your guess?

OH! Heres a bonus one just for my friend Andy(<-click the link!)

I also like food. You guys think rice right? Well... yeah you're right, but I like lots of other foods too! My diet mainly consists of Filipino Cuisine, but I love Italian, Japanese (sushi yum), Chinese, and "American" food (fast food lol)

OH MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY! I'm not gonna put all these pictures here, so I'm just gonna be "bias" (I pay attention in class!) and choose the pictures I want to, because I can.

(we're eating at wonderland, my friend's parents brought food lol, btw from left to right: Bryan, Me, Ella my sister, and Kat, my Ate (means older sister in tagalog))

(look, we're all matching! how cute! LOL, anyways, this was at my youth group thing, and we were chilling in the dorms. From left to right: Me, Bryan, James)

(This is my youth group again, we were in a band performance and won :D we dressed up like nerds, don't ask why. From left to right: Paolo, Bryan, Me, Enzo my bro, and Christian. At the back there its Alex and Ella, who were also in the band.)

I have no pictures of my Mom or Dad, because they don't particularly like cameras!
So that was a quick Bio, of myself, not exactly EVERYTHING, but you get the idea.

Music is Influential

These are the top three bands that I listen to!

<- this is Bullet for my Valentine, they are a metalcore band. Their songs consists of catchy riffs which influences my playing style.

This is Escape the Fate (old)->
Their songs appeal to me as well, and their content also has an influence on my playing and my song writing style

<-This is Relient K, their songs's lyrical content have different and deeper meanings,
and this also influences my
song writing style.

this is a music video by new Escape the Fate, its one of their softer songs, but it does have quite the solo (which I did cover earlier :P)
anyways check it out on youtube too:

First Youtube Cover!

Today, after coming home from the doctors, I took the initiative to record "something" literally. haha... I'm funny... ANYWAYS, this is the solo from the song Something by Escape the Fate (another one of my favourite bands). I didn't sync it with the music because I played it a little fast. Enjoy?

p.s. also check out my youtube channel! I'm gonna upload more videos there too!

Relient K!

Relient K was introduced to me not too long ago (maybe a year or two ago) and ever since I've loved their stuff. I personally love THIS particular song because I guess in a way, I can relate to it. Hope that you will get to like this song, and this band as well! Feel free to suggest bands/groups to me as well!

p.s watch the music video on youtube!

The First Post EVER!

I'm starting this `blog` thing, mainly because of my English class assignment. However, this idea really appeals to me. I`ve always wanted to start a website/blog-type thing for a while now, and this assignment has pushed me into finally starting it! (Yes, I'm lazy)

Yep. So basically, what I'm trying to say is that I am a complete noob, but eventually I'll get the hang of things :P

I'm going to post some covers real soon! Just to let my... "many" (zero?) followers know. lol.


Yeah, Thats Me!

My photo
I am a student, with great ambitions to become a great musician. I play not only to entertain, but to express myself and my views. I play the guitar, drums and I sing! Sometimes I like to play bass and piano! I've taught myself to play these instruments and to sing, and I don't think I sound horrible! Music has been my passion since I've discovered it, and hopefully this blog can help you discover your love for music!