
your music, my life



But its not a happy story, its more of a story that really made me think, and by story, I mean personal experience. So... this is how it went...

Once upon a time (about a year ago), a boy by the name of Miguel (me) was on his way home from school. He lives rather far from the school so he must take several buses home. As he got on the bus, the driver gave him the transfer. Being completely ignorant and unaware of the date, he did not notice the error the driver had just made - he gave Miguel the transfer from the DAY BEFORE. When he got off the bus, he walked to his next bus stop and waited for the bus. Indeed, it did come, only for something completely unexpected to happen (not really). As walked he showed the transfer to the bus driver, and then something happened - an argument ensued. The bus driver asked Miguel about the transfer, then he explained how the bus he had previously taken issued that transfer to him. The bus driver replied with a sarcastic, yet rude: "I'm so sure". As the argument and explanation continued on (for about a few minutes), an old, honest looking lady come onto the bus. Little did Miguel know she was on the same bus he was on before. She happened to have the same transfer, and then the argument was suddenly over. The lady, as well as Miguel, was permitted onto the bus.

And he lived happily ever after? Not quite.
This event really opened my eyes to the society we live in, where teenagers just can't seem to be trusted. Who knows, maybe the Elderly Lady could've been "trying to pull something." But no, it was Me who had to be suspected, questioned, and put on the spot. It seems that teenagers have gained such a bad rep, that we are always thought to be IGNORANT, DECEIVING and WORTHLESS. That we all have no respect for adults, others, or even ourselves. That's why we always hear the phrase: "kids these days". Society puts a label on teenagers the same way it puts labels on races. In my opinion, I dislike this label placed on us by others. Society tries to group us into one category, but then again, we are also taught to be who we want to be.

Well, that was my story. Not exactly a "happy ending", but it does have a moral. I hope that you can learn from my experience, and possibly lead you to think about our society. Oh yeah, comment too... about anything that even slightly relates to this. HAPPY TUESDAY!


Anonymous said...

I agree, I agree, teenagers can't be trusted anymore because of the image we've been given by society

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your music, my life.


Yeah, Thats Me!

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I am a student, with great ambitions to become a great musician. I play not only to entertain, but to express myself and my views. I play the guitar, drums and I sing! Sometimes I like to play bass and piano! I've taught myself to play these instruments and to sing, and I don't think I sound horrible! Music has been my passion since I've discovered it, and hopefully this blog can help you discover your love for music!